ADHD Assessment Clinic

ADHD is understood as a neurodevelopmental difference with children and young people who often exhibit difficulties in the areas of hyperactivity, inattention and impulsivity. It can also affect emotional regulation and control, working memory and interpersonal skills.

Our assessments are National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) compliant. We produce a detailed assessment report and recommendations for further support for both home and school. Following assessment and diagnosis we can offer a number of educational, behavioural and therapeutic interventions if indicated and can support you through the post-diagnostic journey.

Our assessments include:

  • A detailed ADHD assessment including a mental health review by a psychiatrist and psychologist.
  • Pre-assessment questionnaires
  • Our secretary Mrs Tracey Mullan will contact you following confirmation of your appointment and go through the questionnaires you will need to complete prior to your appointment.
  • A QB Check (Quantitative Behaviour Check)
  • Detailed report with treatment plan
  • Access to post diagnostic support: there are two treatment pathways: Non-pharmacological pathway which offers behavioural and therapeutic support to your child and also parenting support. Non-Pharmacological support involving CBT, Sleep Hygiene, psychoeducation on the importance of nutrition and exercise, mindfulness practice, and additional therapeutic support for related conditions such as anxiety and depression which can often co-occur.
  • Pharmacological Pathway involves considerations for medication– I work alongside a highly respected Child and adolescent Psychiatrist who can offer expertise and oversight over medication.
  • It might also be the case that both pathways are considered to optimise support.
  • School liaison and consultations with other professionals who might be involved in supporting your child to ensure that your child is supported holistically, is also an important element of your child’s care.

Clinical supervision is available to a range of professionals, both online and in person.


ADHD Initial Assessment

Up to 180 minutes


  • A detailed ADHD assessment including a mental health review by a psychiatrist and psychologist
  • Pre-assessment questionnaires
  • A QB Check (Quantitative Behaviour Check)
  • Detailed report with treatment plan
  • Access to post diagnosis support: Medication or Conservative Treatment.  We can explore a treatment path (pharmacological or non-pharmacological and on some cases both are chosen). Individual non-pharmacological support is delivered 1:1 and tailored to your child’s goals and needs.  Pharmacological treatment can be supported by Dr Nima Leffler, Consultant Psychiatrist (, who was part of the assessing team, or a psychiatrist of your choice.

Support Sessions

Up to 60 minutes


Non-Pharmacological support involving CBT, Sleep Hygiene, psychoeducation on the importance of nutrition and exercise, mindfulness practice, and additional therapeutic support for related conditions such as anxiety and depression which can often co-occur.